Dr. Danielle Keenan Miller

Dr. Keenan-Miller is a therapist, psychological scientist, consultant, and clinical supervisor. She is the author of more than two dozen scientific articles and her clinical practice focuses on the integration of the art and science of psychotherapy. She is a licensed psychologist in California (PSY24352) and New York (026457), and is a registered telehealth provider in the state of Florida (TPPY2248).


Dr. Keenan-Miller  completed her B.A. in Psychology from Stanford, with distinction and departmental honors, and then went on to complete her M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Her graduate studies included a research focus on depression and maternal mental health. She completed her clinical internship training at the Counseling and Psychological Services center at UCLA, with a special focus on the treatment of eating disorders. Her postdoctoral training at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior focused on research and clinical treatment of bipolar disorders.


Following her academic training, she worked for two years as the Associate Director of Clinical Training at the University of Southern California. In 2013, she  became the Director of the UCLA Psychology Training Clinic, directing a large low-cost mental health services clinic, and conducting research into evidence-based practices in training and supervision. After eleven years in that role, she decided to return to her passion for direct patient care, as well as supervision of advanced trainees and licensed clinicians.

Dr. Keenan-Miller is the co-author of the book The Binge Eating Prevention Workbook, which teaches readers how to implement evidence-based techniques to regain control over eating and make peace with food and their bodies. Rooted in the principles of Health At Every Size, the book utilizes a positive, rather than punishing, approach to overcoming binge eating. She has also conducted workshops for mental health clinicians and physicians on the treatment of eating disorders. Her online continuing education course focused on binge eating disorder is available through Simple Practice Learning. Information regarding relevant publications and presentations can be found below.

Dr. Keenan-Miller is a seasoned trainer and supervisor. The heart of her work at the UCLA Psychology Clinic consisted of teaching, supervision, and designing systems to maximize the utilization of evidence-based practices. In addition, she spent five years on the executive committee of the Association of Psychology Training Clinics and was an invited consultant to the board of the California Psychological Association Division II (Education and Training). She currently serves as a Consulting Editor for the journal Training and Education in Professional Psychology. She has written several academic and lay audience articles on the science of supervision, focusing on competency-based supervision and the utilization of evidence-based supervision practices. She taught a course on supervision for advanced graduate students at UCLA and has lectured for a variety of audiences on supervision, including a 3-hour CE course available through Simple Practice Learning. Additional information regarding relevant publications and presentations can be found below.

Selected publications and presentations

Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Weintraub, M. J., Keenan-Miller, D., Schneck, C.D., Forgey Borlik, M., Suddath, R.L., Marvin, S.E., Singh, M.K., Chang, K.D., & Miklowitz, D. J. (2022). Social impairment in relation to clinical symptoms in youth at high risk for bipolar disorder. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 16, 17-25. https://doi.org/10.1111/eip.13124

Miklowitz, D., Portnoff, L., Armstrong, C., Keenan-Miller, D., Breen, E.C., Muscatell, K.A., Eisenberger, N.I., & Irwin, M.R. (2016). Inflammatory cytokines and Nuclear Factor k-B activation in youth with bipolar and major depressive disorders. Psychiatry Research, 241, 315-322.

Hammen, C. & Keenan-Miller, D. (2013). Mood Disorders. In I.B. Weiner, G. Stricker, & T.A. Widiger (Eds.), Handbook of Psychology: Clinical Psychology (2nd ed.) (pp 121-146). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Keenan-Miller, D., Peris, T., Axelson, D., Kowatch, R.A., & Mikowitz, D.J. (2012). Family functioning, social impairment, and symptoms among adolescents with bipolar disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 51, 1085-1094.

Conway, C., Keenan-Miller, D., Hammen, C., Lind, P., Najman, J.M., & Brennan, P.A. (2012). Coaction of stress and serotonin transporter genotype in predicting aggression at the transition to adulthood. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 41, 53-63.

Keenan-Miller, D., & Miklowitz, D.J. (2011). Interpersonal functioning in pediatric bipolar disorder. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 18, 342-356.

Espejo, E., Ferriter, C., Hazel, N., Keenan-Miller, D., Hoffman, L., & Hammen, C. (2011). Predictors of subjective ratings of stressor severity: the effects of current mood and neuroticism. Stress and Health, 27, 23-33.

Hammen, C., Brennan, P., Keenan-Miller, D., Hazel, N.A., & Najman, J. (2010). Chronic and episodic stress, gender, and serotonin-transporter gene-environment interactions predicting depression in young adults. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51, 180-187.

Hammen, C., Brennan, P., & Keenan-Miller, D. (2008). Patterns of adolescent depression to age 20: The role of maternal depression and youth interpersonal dysfunction. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36, 1189-1198.

Hammen, C., Brennan, P., Keenan-Miller, D., & Herr, N. (2008). Early onset recurrent subtype of adolescent depression: Clinical and psychosocial correlates. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49, 433-440.

Keenan-Miller, D., Hammen, C., & Brennan, P. (2007). Adolescent psychosocial risk factors for severe intimate partner violence in young adulthood. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 75, 456-463.

Keenan-Miller, D., Hammen, C. & Brennan, P. (2007). Health outcomes related to early adolescent depression. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 256-262.

Eating Disorders

Marson, G. & Keenan-Miller, D. (2020). The Binge Eating Prevention Workbook: An eight-week individualized program to overcome compulsive eating and make peace with food. Oakland: New Harbinger.

Keenan-Miller, D. (2021). Self-help approaches to the treatment of binge eating disorder. National Eating Disorder Information Centre Bulletin, 36(4), 1-4.

Dunn, D., Keenan-Miller, D., Isoldi, K., Sarcona, A., Dolar, V., & Guine, R. (in press). The EATMOT survey: measurement and correlates of self-reported food selection motivation in a United States sample. American Journal of Health Behavior.

Keenan-Miller, D. & Marson, G. (2016). Binge eating: Bridging science and practice. The California Psychologist, 30(3), 14-15.

Marson, G. & Keenan-Miller, D. (2019, October). Binge eating disorder: An update on empirically-based treatments and keys to effective intervention. Providence St. John’s Health Center Eating Disorders Continuing Medical Education, Los Angeles.

Marson, G. & Keenan-Miller, D. (2016, October). Binge eating: current science and practice. Los Angeles County Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles.

Supervision and Training

Hersh, J., Thompson, S.M., Farmer, R., & Keenan-Miller, D. (in press). Technology in psychology graduate training clinics: Past, present, and future. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science.

Isenberg, B. M*., Becker, K. D., Wu, E., Park, H. S., Chu, W., Keenan-Miller, D. & Chorpita, B. F. (in press). Toward efficient, sustainable, and scalable methods of treatment characterization: An investigation of coding clinical practice from chart notes. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.

Dunn, D., Donato, S., & Keenan-Miller, D. (2023). Perceived helpfulness of previous therapy: A predictor of premature termination. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 54(4), 275–283. https://doi.org/10.1037/pro0000515

Thompson, S.M., & Keenan-Miller, D. (2023). Current status of psychology training clinics: Results of the 2023 APTC Survey. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Psychology Training Clinics, Albuquerque.

Thompson, S. M., Keenan-Miller, D., Dunn, D., Hersh, J., Saules, K. K., Graham, S. R., Bell, D. J., Hames, J. L., Wray, A., Hiraoka, R., Heller, M. B., Taber-Thomas, S. M., Taylor, M. J., Hawkins, R. C. II, Schacht, R. L., Liu, N. H., Schwartz, J. L., & Akey, E. H. (2023). Preferences for and acceptability of telesupervision among health service psychology trainees. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 17(3), 221–230.

Boyd, M.* & Keenan-Miller, D. (in press). Developing and Implementing Supervisory Standards. In M. Terjesen & T. Del Vecchio (Eds.) Handbook of Training and Supervision in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. New York: Springer.

Yarrington, J.S.*, Boyd, M.*, & Keenan-Miller, D. (2022). The importance of virtual interviews for graduate school and internships in clinical psychology. The Behavior Therapist. https://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000415

Chen, B. * & Keenan-Miller, D. (2021). How much therapy is enough? The dose-response effect and its moderators in a psychology training clinic. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77, 20-35.

Keenan-Miller, D., Boyd, M.*, Westman, J.G.*, & Chorpita, B.F. (2020). Setting standards for supervision in a clinical science training clinic. The Behavior Therapist, 43, 127-133.

Keenan-Miller, D., Belik, O., & Falender, C. (2019). Competency-based assessment and evaluation: Advancing clinical supervision. The California Psychologist, 52(3), 32.

Herts, K.*, Loerinc, A.*, Owens, E.*, & Keenan-Miller, D. (2017). A model for competency-based supervision training. The California Psychologist, 50(4), 40-41.

Keenan-Miller, D. & Corbett, H. (2015). Meta-supervision: Can students be safe and effective supervisors? Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 9, 315-321.

Falender, C., Schaefer, M., Belik, O., Keenan-Miller, D., Herrera, E., & Crawford, N. (2021, September). Clinical supervision in the 2020s: Focus on telesupervision, the supervisory relationship, and well-being. 6 hour Continuing Education live webinar for the California Psychology Association Division II, Education and Training.

Harrell, S., Falender, C., Enyedy, K., Ellis, M., Keenan-Miller, D., & Wood, L. (2017, March). Connecting competencies and culture in supervision. California Psychology Association Division II Conference, Los Angeles.

Keenan-Miller, D., Corbett, H., & Tawfik, S.H. (2015, April). Clinic-based practicum experiences in supervision. Annual Meeting of the Association of Psychology Training Clinics, Austin.

Awards & Selected Media


2023 Association of Psychology Training Clinics Jean Spruill Achievement Award

2021 Association of Psychology Training Clinics Clinic Director Mentor Award

2021 Association of Psychology Training Clinics Clinic Research Award

2014 Beck Institute Faculty Scholarship Competition

2010 Goldstein Distinguished Dissertation Award, UCLA Department of Psychology

2008 Bandura Graduate Research Award, Psi Chi/ American Psychological Society

Selected Media

2021 KCBS Radio San Francisco (“Mississippi Middle School Faces Backlash for Offering Girls Shapewear”)

2021 UCLA Friends of the Semel Institute (“Does This Show Make Me Look Fat?”)

2020 UCLA Friends of the Semel Institute (“Empty”)

2020 UCLA Connections Webinar (“What does it mean to have a healthy relationship to food during times of stress?”)

2020 Fox News (“New Poll Suggests COVID-19 Toll on Mental & Emotional Health”)

2017 KPCC Air Talk (“How Teenagers Are Talking About Consent and Harassment”)

2017 KPCC Air Talk (“Are You Honest with Friends, Family, and Employers About Depression?”)